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The Kremlin aims to "liberate" Ukraine completely

Russia wants to "rebuild" Mariupol by 2040

Russia’s FSB Security Service says Ukraine wanted to "steal Russian military planes"

Lavrov plans to "save" Ukrainians from the "Zelenskyy regime"

Operational Command "Skhid" (East) has published information about shooting down of an "invisible" Russian drone

Occupiers prepare for fake "investigation" into Mariupol Drama Theatre horror - Chief Intelligence Directorate

Russia comes up with excuse for their strike on Port of Odesa

Russian occupation regime in Kherson Oblast creates an "election committee" in preparation for "referendum"

Russians slow down Google and block Facebook and YouTube in Zaporizhzhia

A revamped "pioneer movement" created in Russia, to be headed by Putin

War Speeches. Fairy Tales about "Nazism" and "Russophobia", "whataboutism" as an old good tactics of russian propaganda

"Three hundred nationalists were killed": Russia justifies missile strike on Chasiv Yar

Occupiers want to execute two Azov defenders

Teachers in Dagestan are promised big money to work in temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts

In Russia, Boris Johnson is accused of attacks on "peaceful territories of the Russian Federation"

Energoatom: Propagandists break into restricted areas at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

From Hermitage to music bands: Here’s the true reach of propaganda that makes Russians love war

Part of Russian Pantsir surface-to-air missile system falls on building in Belgorod – The Insider

Russians threaten to strike Palace of Children's Art in Zaporizhzhia

Russian propagandists are preparing the population for war failures – General Staff

Russians have fled from the Zmiinyi (Snake) Island and claim it was a "gesture of goodwill"

According to Putin's calculations, one person was killed per "area of accumulation of manpower and equipment"

Security Service of Ukraine debunks fake news about the Russian "hero-rescuer" Krasnov: he just pulled out the corpses and that’s all

Russia once more accuses Armed Forces of Ukraine of shelling a Russian village

Russia forces relatives of sailors from the sunken cruiser Moskva to remain silent – Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Russian occupiers spread fake news about Ukraine’s military and political leaders in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

"Citizens of the Chechen Republic!": Russian forces fired on Chernihiv region with shells with propaganda leaflets

Russia claims another village in Kursk Oblast shelled

Occupiers glad that "Syria and a number of other countries" ready to recognise Russian-occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions

Russia invents "new G8" - with Brazil and Iran