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news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Zelenskyy on Russian atrocities in Bucha: Thugs and torturers

Chernihiv Mayor: 70% of Chernihiv destroyed, Russian troops 1.5 hours away

Ukrainian soldiers damaged Russian armoured vehicle carrying stolen laptops and money

Kherson region: residents of Kakhovka went on a rally, the occupiers opened fire

"Did you want another Srebrenica? Are you satisfied with the horror of Bucha?": Yermak's adviser talks tough to Europe's leaders

Number of Russian invaders killed in Ukraine reaches 18,000 - General Staff

Kharkiv region: Russian forces strike 21 times with artillery, mortars and tanks

Ukrainian Air Force hit 8 air targets of Russian invaders, including two fighter jets

One person wounded in Russian shelling of a park in central Kharkiv

On the night of the invasion Russian Federation hoped to disrupt Ukraine’s entire digital infrastructure

Russia has already lost 100 multiple rocket launchers and 134 helicopters - General Staff

Russian forces abduct mayor of Tavriisk - town council

Invaders appoint "gang of three" to run seized Kakhovka on 1 April

Defence Ministry on fires in Russia's Belgorod: Ukraine is not responsible for all disasters in Russia

Warning of Russian mines in Lysychansk town centre - police

Invading forces are gradually withdrawing from Chernihiv region, but it is too early to relax - head of Regional Military Administration

Russians driven from two villages in the Chernihiv region by the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian Armed Forces record withdrawal of 700 pieces of Russian equipment from Kyiv overnight, but "surprises" are possible
