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news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Russians hit military unit in Dnipropetrovsk region with rockets, causing fatalities

Ukrainian military liberate 5 settlements in Zaporizhzhia

"The whole army is stupid, simply morons": invaders admit they have messed up in Ukraine - Security Service

Residents of Hola Prystan hold rally, demanding occupiers return mayor

Russian shell destroys gas pipeline in Kharkiv, repairs not yet possible

Aggressors change tactics in aerial war, but lose another 4 aircraft

Evacuation from Luhansk region: bus from Lysychansk comes under fire

Number of victims of Mykolaiv regional state administration shelling has risen to 15 people

1 person killed and 6 injured, including 1 child, in shelling in Nizhyyn

Russian occupying troops in Kherson abduct Ukrainian Orthodox priest

Shelling of Lysychansk: one dead found under rubble, rescue operation ongoing

Ukrainian Army has destroyed 131 Russian military planes and same number of helicopters

12 Bodies discovered under ruins of Mykolayiv regional administration, 33 wounded

Presidential Office explains details of what the next round of talks with Russia will hinge on

Irpin Mayor: Return to the liberated city still impossible

People found dead under the rubble of the shelled Regional State Administration building in Mykolayiv

Shoigu: Ukraine has “suffered significant losses” and it is time to “liberate Donbas” again

The Ukrainian Air Force shot down two Kh-type missiles fired at Lviv
