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Russia accuses Canada of “belligerent Russophobia” and announces sanctions against dozens of officials

Monday, 27 June 2022, 13:57

MONDAY, 27 JUNE 2022, 13:40

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has sanctioned over 40 Canadian officials and public figures.

According to European Pravda, the announcement was published on 27 June.


Russia’s Foreign Ministry said that these individuals are being permanently banned from entering Russia in retaliation for Canadian sanctions against the heads of Russian companies and members of their families.

Among the 43 people on the list are more than ten members of the Office of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (both current and former). Suzanne Cowan, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of Canada, many officials from ministries up to deputy minister level, the mayor of Calgary, several political scientists, and David Collenette, chair of the NATO Association of Canada and former Defence Minister. The list doesn’t end there - it also includes several representatives of think tanks, journalists and public figures, including Christian Borys, author of the "Saint Javelin" meme, Devon Sereda Goldie, representative of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, and Keri-Lynn Wilson, conductor and founder of the Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra.

"While Justin Trudeau’s regime reigns in Canada and persists in its belligerent Russophobia, the Russian side reserves the right to take countermeasures in response to Ottawa’s openly hostile actions," claimed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Background: On 8 June Canada announced a new package of sanctions against Russia’s oil and gas sector.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, Canada sanctioned over 1,070 organisations and individuals from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In early June, Canada froze over $330 million which had been in Russian bank accounts or featured in transactions involving sanctioned individuals.
