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Energy Minister believes Russians will fail to cause total blackout in Ukraine

Thursday, 22 December 2022, 17:24


Herman Halushchenko, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, has stated that the ultimate goal of Russian massive missile attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine is a total blackout all through Ukraine.

Source: Halushchenko in an interview to Forbes 


"There have already been nine massive attacks with 70-100 missiles launched simultaneously. In fact, attacks on the energy infrastructure take place every day. They [the Russians - ed.] use drones and artillery to hit them.

The key question is when this barbarism will be over? I have no answer to this question", Halushchenko stressed.

The minister also commented on recent statements of Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, who stated that the Russians have the resources to carry out only three or four massive attacks.

"I am not a military expert, so it is hard for me to comment on this. If they run out of one type of weapon, they will probably use another. It seems to me that it will only end after our victory",  he stated.

The minister also stressed that the ultimate goal of the Russians is a total blackout of the whole of Ukraine.

When asked whether it is possible, he answered: "We have been living under such circumstances for the third month, and now the light is on as we speak. I don’t think they will succeed.

The Russians are trying to use this situation to incite the people to protest. It is really hard for people now. It is not normal to live without electricity. But we are at war.

What Russians for sure have achieved with these attacks is an even stronger unity among Ukrainians."

The minister estimated that the Ukrainian energy system has suffered multi-billion dollar losses due to the Russian massive attacks since 10 October.

"We count not only actual destruction but also lost profit. For example, we count electricity that could have been produced by the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and then sold on the domestic or foreign market.

I’m sure they will pay for it. The question is how they will be prosecuted",  he added.

The minister is convinced that the Russian power engineers will also be held accountable as they indicate the targets for attacks for the military, the order of the attacks and when they should be carried out. 

"This is a war crime, and these Russian power engineers are war criminals. We will identify each of them.

They are involved in the genocide of the civilian population. Attacks on the energy infrastructure are attacks on civilian facilities. It is the military that strikes, but it is the Russian power engineers who indicate the target", he stressed.

The minister was asked how to make Russia pay if it does not recognise international law.

"Indeed, Russia and Belarus are not parties to many conventions since their membership carries the risk of being held accountable.

But we have a lot of experience with property cases in Crimea. There have been successful cases in international courts. The Hague Court determined specific sums that were charged to Russia for recovery. For example, arrests were made in France and Germany to enforce these court rulings," he answered.


Earlier, Halushchenko stated that Ukraine will stabilise its energy system by summer if there are no new attacks by the Russian Federation.

Read also:  Myths about export of energy to EU and other lies about Ukrainian energy system

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