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US and UK call Russia's war against Ukraine a global war

Saturday, 18 February 2023, 17:28

US Vice President Kamala Harris and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a global war.

Source: message of the Office of the British Prime Minister following the politicians’ meeting, as quoted by European Pravda

Details: Sunak and Harris paid tribute to the strength of British-American relations and agreed that there is no more clear proof of this than the fact that both countries are Ukraine's closest international partners.


The politicians discussed how to accelerate international action against Ukraine to allow it to win the war and ensure a just and lasting peace. They agreed that it is important to think not only about Ukraine's urgent needs, but also about how the international community can ensure that Ukraine will never face such threats again.

"They agreed that Putin’s war in Ukraine is a global war, both in terms of its impact on food and energy security and in terms of its implications for internationally accepted norms like sovereignty," the report reads.

The British Prime Minister and the US Vice President condemned those countries that supported Putin's efforts politically and militarily.


As reported, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for the creation of enhanced NATO-standard capabilities for Ukraine that should give it protection before it becomes a member of the Alliance.

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