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Russian agent caught looking for "weak points" on border in Sumy Oblast

Friday, 14 April 2023, 11:08
Russian agent caught looking for weak points on border in Sumy Oblast

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has detained a Russian agent who was looking for "weak points" on the Ukrainian-Russian border in Sumy Oblast and information about the locations of units of the defence forces.

Source: SSU on Telegram

Quote from SSU: "The SSU has exposed another FSB agent during counter-sabotage activities in Sumy Oblast. He turned out to be a local resident, whom the Russian special service involved in covert cooperation even before the start of their full-scale invasion."


Details: It is reported that the man was recruited during one of his trips to Russia, where he maintained contact with a Russian who worked for the FSB.

After 24 February, 2022, the attacker was assigned to collect intelligence about the locations of the defence forces in the border areas of the northeastern part of Ukraine

In particular, the Russians were interested in the locations of fortified areas, fortifications and the weapons available to Ukrainian defenders in Sumy Oblast.


To collect information, the Russian agent travelled around the settlements of Sumy Oblast in his own car, spoke with local residents and asked them about the presence of the Ukrainian military in the border area.

The perpetrator put the data received onto a digital map in order to transfer it to the FSB later. A Russian agent communicated with representatives of the aggressor in a private chat room on a messenger app.

SSU counterintelligence officers detained the man while performing an intelligence mission.


During the searches, mobile phones and computer equipment with evidence of subversive activities in favour of the invaders were seized from him.

The detainee was served with a notice of suspicion under Article 111.2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed under martial law) and remanded in custody.

An investigation is underway to establish all the circumstances of the crime.

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