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Dutch Defence Minister urges Europe to be prepared to fight

Friday, 1 December 2023, 09:26
Dutch Defence Minister urges Europe to be prepared to fight
Photo: Kajsa Ollongren's Twitter

Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of Defence of the Netherlands, believes that European countries have to strengthen their defence capabilities to be "fit to fight".

Source: Kajsa Ollongren on Twitter (X), reporting on her speech during the Berlin Security Conference

Details: Ollongren said that no country can handle today’s security threats alone.


"We Europeans need to step up our game, build a credible European defense, and strengthen our position as a key pillar within NATO," she wrote.

She explained that because there have been no wars within the European Union, EU membership is "both a reward and a promise of peace and stability".

"To keep it that way, it is essential that we act now. Europe must re-learn deterrence. We must make long-term, structural investments in strengthening our armed forces. We need to be ‘fit to fight’," Ollongren continued.

Previously: Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said that Russia’s attack on the Baltic States and other NATO member states was only a matter of time.

Landsbergis is also concerned that if Ukraine’s Western allies fail to help secure Ukraine’s victory, Russia will take it as a victory of its own and will start preparing for a new war, with any of its neighbours being a likely target.

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