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Poland completes search activities related to Russian missile

Saturday, 30 December 2023, 19:47
Poland completes search activities related to Russian missile
Stock photo: Wojtek Jargiło/PAP

Poland completed an inspection involving nearly 500 soldiers of its Territorial Defence Forces at 15:00 on Saturday, 30 December. They were looking for possible wreckage of the missile that violated Polish airspace during Russia's large-scale missile attack on Ukrainian cities on 29 December.

Source: Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces (DORSZ), as reported by European Pravda, citing RMF24

Details: The command added that the operation is over, and no further activities are planned.


As DORSZ previously reported, ground searches for possible wreckage of the object that violated Polish airspace on Friday were conducted in Lublin Voivodeship on Saturday, 30 December. About 480 soldiers from the 2nd Lublin Territorial Defence Brigade and the 19th 19 Nadbużańska Territorial Defence Brigade were involved in the search.

Quote: "The inspection of the designated area involving almost 500 soldiers was completed at 15:00. The search result is negative. Nothing that could threaten the residents of Lublin Voivodeship was found. The army's activities have been completed, and we do not plan further inspections in the area," the Polish Armed Forces Operational Command said.

DORSZ expressed gratitude to the soldiers "for their commitment and professionalism, and to the residents for their understanding and tolerance". They added that the military's actions focused on ensuring public safety.



  • On Friday, 29 December, Poland's General Staff stated that a Russian missile had violated the country's airspace. The Polish military found that the missile flew 40 kilometres into Poland and returned to Ukraine three minutes later. 
  • After that, the Russian Chargé d'Affaires was summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry to give an explanation for the incident.
  • The Russian diplomat said Moscow was not going to give an explanation for the Russian missile in Polish airspace until provided with "hard evidence". 

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