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Three French defence companies plan to set up production in Ukraine

Friday, 8 March 2024, 18:06
Three French defence companies plan to set up production in Ukraine
Sébastien Lecornu. Photo: Getty Images

Three French defence companies are to establish partnerships with Ukrainian companies to produce military equipment in Ukraine.

Source: Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces of France, cited by Ukrinform

Quote: "We want to manufacture and maintain weapons on Ukrainian soil. We have proposed building French or European plants on Ukrainian soil, and this has become the subject of a European consensus."


Lecornu added that the three French companies will establish partnerships with Ukrainian companies, mainly in the drone and ground equipment sectors.

"We intend to produce spare parts in Ukraine, possibly even ammunition. The idea is to have the first production units up and running this summer," Lecornu stated.

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