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Zelenskyy: war must end with the liberation of Crimea

In Crimea, a high level of "terrorist threat" was announced until 24 August

Podoliak on explosions at military airfield in Crimea: What do we have to do with it?  

The Russian Federation explained the explosions at the airbase in Crimea as a "fire safety violation"

Ukrainian Ministry of Defence distances itself from explosions at Crimea airfield

Russian Defence Ministry comments on the explosions in Crimea: No deliberate strike

Russia to connect Zaporizhzhia NPP to Russian-controlled power grid in Crimea

Explosions in Crimea: Russian authorities claim 1 person killed, 5 injured

Too early to talk about the cause of explosions in Novofedorivka – Aksyonov

Explosions occur at military airbase in occupied Crimea

Damaged Russian ship spotted in Sevastopol – media

Zelenskyy: Russian aggression increased because the reaction to the annexation of Crimea was weak

Headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet fired on from Sevastopol – Russian occupiers

Ukrainian Naval officials on Sevastopol UAV strike: the occupiers are so afraid of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that they make up fiction stories about it

Residents of Crimea see the real threat of transferring the war to the peninsula – Ukrainian Military Intelligence Directorate

Russia moves military equipment towards Kherson and Crimea – the mayor of Melitopol

Crimeans, forcibly conscripted into Russian army, are not criminals, but victims – prosecutor's office

Traitor and ex-Ternopil corvette commander is fighting against Ukraine

A revamped "pioneer movement" created in Russia, to be headed by Putin

Medvedev threatened Ukraine with "Judgement Day" in the event of a strike on Crimea, the Presidential Office of Ukraine responded

Ukrainian Intelligence assumes HIMARS can be used on Russian facilities in occupied Crimea

Russians deploy insane amount of air defence to protect Crimean Bridge — Secretary of National Defence and Security Council

Authorities in occupied Crimea admit that their tourist season has failed

Aggressors claim Russian soldier has been beaten up in Crimea for wearing clothes marked with a Z

Time to go back home: Yellow Ribbon resistance movement in Crimea gathers momentum

Russia sentences three Crimean Tatars to 19 and 13 years in prison

Russian occupiers want to connect Kherson region wind farms to Crimea network

Russians have strengthened the security of the Crimean Bridge – mass media

Russian Project 1241 Molniya-1 missile ships return to Russian-occupied Sevastopol

Russia exports stolen Ukrainian grain to Turkey – Skhemy