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Yakaboo Bookstore terminates cooperation with all Russian companies

Online bookstore Yakaboo is suspending its cooperation with any Russian company, publishing house, etc.

Ministry of Culture asks people not to share information about Primachenko paintings that might have survived following enemy attack

In the Kyiv region, Russian troops have burned down the Museum of History and Local Lore in Ivankiv, which contained about 20 works by the artist Maria Primachenko.

Russian invaders burn down Ivankiv Museum. Maria Prymachenko’s artwork destroyed

The Ivankiv Museum of Local History in Kyiv region was burned down. The museum housed unique artwork by the Ukrainian folk artist Maria Prymachenko.

Ukrainian Film Academy urges boycott of Russian films

Kateryna Khoroshchak, editor-in-chief of Pravda Life

Members of Ukraine’s Film Academy have issued a call to boycott Russian films.

The Film Academy is calling on the Council of Europe to exclude Russia from EURIMAGES, the European Cinema Support Fund.

‘The Civic Pixel’: How Can a Veteran Start a New Life?

Marysia Nikitiuk: Today’s Character is a Bad Man with a Kind Heart and an Incredible Sense of Guilt

"The Eastern vector is interesting to the audiences. But they are interested in today’s events. Many distributors are tired of movies about WW2. They are interested in how Eastern Europe lives now" — says Marysia Nikitiuk, Ukrainian screenwriter who won Krzysztof Kieslowski ScripTeast award during the Cannes Film Festival in May this year

Svetlana Alexievich: Any War is Still Murder

Svetlana Alexievich was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2015. Now she came to Kyiv to present the Ukrainian translations of her works. Svetlana’s books are the encyclopedia of the Soviet empire, a research on the ‘red man’, who suffered himself and caused others to suffer.