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Putin decided to look for volunteers to fight in Ukraine

Putin wants to tear apart Europe, just like he does Ukraine – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy does not understand what else Ukraine needs for EU membership

Vereschuk: 60,000 evacuated from Sumy, 20,000 from Kyiv regions

Two Belarusians were killed in Korosten, which was shelled from Belarus

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: When the war ends, everything will be rebuilt in the best way possible

Day 15 of war: Ukrainian army holds offensive, Russian army's number of deserters rises

Sky over Ukraine: Zelenskyy calls the world's hesitation "deadly"

Mariupol mayor begs for a no-fly zone over Ukraine after maternity hospital is shelled

Belarussian militaries would not go to the war against Ukraine – the information of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Militaries of the Belarusian Armed Forces do not want to take part in the war against Ukraine on the side of the Russian Federation.

Aggressors are demoralised, their attempts to advance fail – General Staff

17 people injured during shelling on maternity hospital in Mariupol

Negotiations: Russia says it ‘will not give up’ a single point to Ukraine

A new Russian fake: the alleged persecution of Jews in Ukraine

In Chernihiv region the Russian occupying forces are shooting at each other

Regrouping, Russian forces still set on the plan to seize Kyiv – the General Staff

On the 14th day of the war in Ukraine, Russia significantly reduced the pace of troop advance, but did not refuse from the offensive and plans to seize Kyiv.

Quarter of Russian officials are ready to quit the job: they haven’t expected such sanctions – Russian media

The Russian online media Medusa, with reference to its sources, reports that many high-ranking officials and employees of Russian state corporations did not expect such harsh sanctions because of the war in Ukraine and consider quitting their jobs.

Russian forces offensive stalled, but Russia keeps bombing – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

On Tuesday, 8 March, the Russian aggressors continued to launch missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, while military equipment and manpower almost stopped the offensive. However, the enemy continues to make plans to capture Ukraine.

Poland ready to supply fighter jets to Ukraine, but there are conditions

Poland is ready to transfer the MiG-29 fighter jets requested by Ukraine to the US Ramstein Airbase in Germany but asks the US to provide replacements.

Wagner private military contractors already dying in Ukraine - intelligence

Georgia’s former defence minister comes to fight alongside Ukrainians

Georgia’s former Minister of Defence Irakly Okruashvili has arrived in Ukraine together with other Georgian volunteers in order to fight against Russia.

Close to 134,000 men have returned to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion

Since the beginning of the war with Russia, 167,000 citizens have returned to Ukraine from abroad. 80% of them are men.

Ukraine raises UAH 6.7 billion from the second sale of war bonds

In Ukraine's second round of war bond sales, UAH 6.7 billion was raised for the country's budget, the Ministry of Finance's press service reported.

Zelenskyy discusses ways to stop the war with Israeli Prime Minister

Businesses may evacuate to the west of Ukraine - Hetmantsev

Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers are accepting applications for businesses to evacuate from the war zone to the west of Ukraine and is ready to provide business conditions for work in the new location.

Russia seeks Syrian reinforcements for its war against Ukraine

Russia threatens Ukraine with a "humanitarian operation" against the background of military failures

The aggressor state, Russia, says it is ready to "conduct a humanitarian operation" in Ukraine. Russians are talking about a humanitarian catastrophe in many Ukrainian cities directly caused by their aggression as an excuse for the next "operation".

Russians check how many weapons Ukraine has

The Chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin ordered the verification of information on the supply of various weapons to Ukraine.

The enemy is demoralised and suffers losses, yet still draws new plans to shell – the General Staff

On the twelfth day of the struggle against Russian occupiers, the Ukrainian Armed and the Territorial Defence Forces continue to inflict damage on the invaders’ manpower and equipment.

Russia takes over 2,000 foreign students hostage - Iryna Vereshchuk

Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk has announced that Russia has taken 2,046 foreign students hostage and is blocking their evacuation.