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The invaders are already compiling lists of those who support Ukraine in Luhansk Region

Monday, 7 March 2022, 22:15

Svitlana KIzilova - Monday, 7 March 2022, 23:15

The National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine has information that Russian invaders in the occupied territories are compiling lists of Ukrainians who are "unreliable" and should be subject to "measures of influence".

Source: Centre for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine in Telegram


Details: The Centre states that the information about the so-called "execution list", which was recently voiced by many American high-ranking officials and was widely questioned, was partially true.

Verbatim: "LNR Ministry of State Security was "approached by supporters of the ‘republic’, who formed a ‘list of unreliable citizens who helped ‘to genocide’ citizens in the newly occupied territories of Luhansk region."

"We warn the henchman of the occupying forces: helping the aggressor amounts to your direct participation in the crimes committed by the aggressor, and you will soon have to answer for them under Ukrainian law. "
