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Russia has caused more than $5 billion worth of damage to the Ukrainian education system - Shkarlet

Saturday, 16 April 2022, 11:39

Yana Osadcha, journalist

The war has caused more than $5 billion worth of damage to the Ukrainian education system.

This was announced by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet during a 24-hour newscast on 15 April.


91 educational institutions have been completely destroyed and 923 are partially damaged.

"I personally visited the 25th Lyceum in Zhytomyr. It's awful to see burnt children's notebooks, class registers and scientific materials lying around. It's impossible to perceive." says Serhiy Shkarlet.

Photo caption: A destroyed lyceum in Zhytomyr. Photo: rotkee/Eugene


A special government programme will be adopted to revive and rebuild destroyed educational institutions.

The Ministry of Education and Science is also counting on the support of the European community.

"I have already met with ministers of education at the Council of the European Union twice. This is not just about rebuilding walls and installing windows, but also providing educational institutions with modern equipment," said the minister.

In addition, several humanitarian accounts have been set up in Ukraine to raise funds. The revival of education is one of the funds’ target areas.

Students and educators are joining the revival effort.

"And of course, we are counting on our own strength, on Ukrainians. In particular, at my native Chernihiv University students joined the clean-up effort and are helping to restore the educational process. It is also very important to prevent looting, to preserve computer equipment," says Shkarlet.

It will be recalled that according to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the armed forces of the Russian Federation have damaged 1018 educational institutions, 95 of which have been completely destroyed.

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