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"Grandma died, two dogs and a favourite city": the diary of an 8-year-old boy from Mariupol is published online

Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 13:58


Mariupol resident Yevhen Sosnovskyi has published the diary of a boy who lived in the besieged city.

The boy's notes are called "War".


The diary shows that the 8-year-old was living in Mariupol with his mother and 15-year-old sister, and the family was injured in the shelling.

The diary begins with the words: "I slept well, woke up and smiled."

Then the boy writes that his grandfather died.


In the following post, he describes the injuries he and his family received.

"I have a wound on my back, the skin is torn. My sister has a head injury. My mother has torn flesh on her arm and a hole in her head," the boy wrote.

Despite the horrors that are happening around him, the boy is still optimistic. He writes that he has a new friend and dreams of celebrating his birthday.

The child drew a festive table with a cake and guests gathered to congratulate him.

The boy also depicts the shelling of Mariupol from a tank and a plane. He draws people with weapons, dead people, houses leaning at an angle and buildings on fire. 

"My grandmother Galia died, two dogs died and my favourite city Mariupol," says the child's latest post.

The comments say that the boy's name is probably Yehorka.

The fate of the child and his family is currently unknown.
