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Situation in Lysychansk extremely difficult: residents urged to evacuate urgently

Monday, 27 June 2022, 11:36


Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, is urging residents of Lysychansk and its communities to evacuate as a matter of urgency.

Source: Haidai on Telegram


Quote from Haidai: "Dear residents of Lysychansk city territorial community and their relatives! In view of the existence of a real threat to life and health, we are calling for urgent evacuation!

The situation in the city is extremely difficult! Save yourselves and your relatives. Take care of the children!"

Details: Haidai has assured that the evacuees will be taken care of in cities across Ukraine.

Evacuation phone numbers:

050 208 92 23

095 513 80 91

050 986 42 10

066 464 22 83

Background: On 26 June, six residents of Lysychansk were evacuated, one child among them.

Haidai warned that evacuation is becoming more difficult every day! Recently, the authorities have been proposing the door-to-door evacuation of residents.

"Everyone who is still hesitant should understand that the next time will be even more difficult. Don't miss these chances," the head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration stressed. 
