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Kuleba calls on the world to recognise the Russian Federation as a terrorist state after it shells PoW camp holding Ukrainians

Friday, 29 July 2022, 15:25


Dmytro Kuleba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, has called on the world to recognise Russia as a terrorist state after Russian forces shelled a colony in occupied Olenivka where they were holding Ukrainian prisoners of war.

As European Pravda reports, Kuleba published the corresponding statement on his Twitter feed.


"Russia has committed another petrifying war crime by shelling a correctional facility in the occupied Olenivka where it held Ukrainian prisoners of war. I call on all partners to strongly condemn this brutal violation of international humanitarian law and recognize Russia a terrorist state," he said.

As Ukrainska Pravda reported, on the morning of 29 July, Russian state-backed media wrote about the shelling of the colony in Olenivka, Donetsk Oblast, where Ukrainian prisoners of war are held. More than 50 of them are reported to have been killed.

Ukrainska Pravda sources from the Intelligence Services stress that this shelling was carried out by the Russian army.

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