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Ukraine proposes renaming European format initiated by Macron

Saturday, 8 October 2022, 16:59
Ukraine proposes renaming European format initiated by Macron


During the first summit of the European Political Community, which took place on 6 October in Prague, Ukraine proposed that it be renamed the European Community of Peace.

Source: Ihor Zhovkva, diplomatic adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in an interview with European Pravda


Quote: "We propose that it is called the European Community of Peace. The word ‘peace’ in this idea is not only peace as such; it applies to all spheres – economy, energy security, [and] military security."

Details: According to him, the vision of the format was laid out by Zelenskyy in his speech, where he spoke about how the European Peace Community found support among the participants. "If in the end they agree to it, then this format will have [a certain] meaning," added Zhovkva.

He also noted that Ukraine seems to be the only one among the participants to submit its proposals regarding this format. "At least, I haven't heard of any meaningful proposals from other states, unless they were submitted after the event," Zhovkva said.

Read the full text of the interview and a detailed analysis of the most important events that took place on 6-7 October in Prague in the article Peace is not for everyone. How the Prague summit tried to reconcile enemies in Europe and beyond.

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