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Russians take children from occupied Luhansk Oblast to Chechnya for "re-education"

Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 10:21
Russians take children from occupied Luhansk Oblast to Chechnya for re-education

Serhii Haidai, Head of Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, has reported that the Russian occupiers take children from occupied Luhansk Oblast to Chechnya to give them a "patriotic education".

Source: Haidai on Telegram

Quote: "Kadyrov abducts Luhansk children in order to raise murderers, who will then go on to kill Ukrainians.

The invaders are taking children from Luhansk Oblast  to Chechnya en masse to give them a "patriotic education".


There are more than 100 similar cases of deportation of teenagers to the territory of the Russian Federation."


Earlier, the National Resistance Center informed that the Russian occupation administration in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Oblast reported that 15,000 children between the ages of 2 and 17 had undergone in-depth medical examinations.

Doctors brought from Russia noted in the examination documents that 70% of these children "need special medical care".

Haidai points out that the Russians use this conclusion to cover up the deportation of children to the territory of Russia.

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