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Defence Intelligence debunks Russian propaganda fake news about "shooting at car with woman and child inside"

Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 14:57
Defence Intelligence debunks Russian propaganda fake news about shooting at car with woman and child inside

Russians spread a fake video showing an unknown person in a Ukrainian military uniform allegedly shooting at a civilian car with a woman and a child inside.

Source: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

Quote: "A video has been posted online recently showing an unknown person in a Ukrainian military uniform allegedly shooting at a civilian car with a woman and a child inside. It is a piece of Russian fake news and a hostile psychological operation. The video was allegedly taken from the woman's dashcam."


Details: The Defence Intelligence calls the video a primitive fake one and points to evidence that indicates that it was staged.

  1. The video’s location is in the occupied territory between Donetsk and Makiivka;
  2. One of the sources who shared this video was a profile with a nickname Yury Alekseich Z V;
  3. Ukrainian soldiers put solid crosses on their vehicles. The video shows the crosses of the Wehrmacht;
  4. Dashcams are [currently – ed.] banned in Ukraine, even in the deep rear and the west of Ukraine; 
  5. The body of the car allegedly driven by the Ukrainian military was made in Russia and has never been delivered to Ukraine;
  6. Poor editing. At 01:35, a soldier fires a rifle in the immediate vicinity of the car. But there are no loud sounds of shooting. The car window is open. The conversation was happening through the window. There is no sound of the window closing. When the car is driving back, you can hear the window open again. There was a shot, because the video shows the flying of the shell casings. At that moment, there should have been at least some sound.

Another indication of the demonstrable fake nature of the video is the fact that even a number of Russian propagandists, Telegram-channels and opinion leaders criticised it, and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which first posted the video accusing Ukrainians of "Nazism", later removed it.

Quote: "The Russians are trying to discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces further, to show them as cruel and insane, and to create a conflict with representatives of the Muslim community. This time – with the Crimean Tatars. From the dialogue between the soldier and the woman who was driving, it can be understood that she supposedly belongs to the Crimean Tatar people.

At the same time, the video turned out to be a complete failure and another stupid fake news by Russian propaganda, which in its sick fantasies does not respect any ethical norms or topics."

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