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Spare parts made in Ukraine's partner countries discovered in Shahed drones – National Security Council Secretary

Saturday, 3 June 2023, 05:25
Spare parts made in Ukraine's partner countries discovered in Shahed drones – National Security Council Secretary

Spare parts from countries that are allies of Ukraine have been found in the Iranian-made Shahed drones, which the Russian Federation uses to attack Ukrainian territories.

Source: Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote: "We disassembled them [drones – ed.] and, unfortunately, found parts that are not produced either in Iran or in Russia."


Details: Danilov suggested that the details could have been procured before the beginning of a full-scale invasion, since the drones were mostly produced in 2019-2021.

At the same time, the secretary of the NSDC noted that it is necessary to understand how Western details get to the Russian Federation, despite the sanctions.


  • According to The New York Times, despite the sanctions, aviation parts produced by the American company Boeing and the French Airbus entered Russian companies.
  • Recently, Oleksii Danilov called Russia's largest Shahed UAV attack a demonstration of stupidity and stubbornness.

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