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Agrarians in Ukrainian-liberated Kherson Oblast prepare for sowing winter crops

Sunday, 10 September 2023, 13:19

Farmers in the Ukrainian-liberated Kherson Oblast are preparing to sow winter crops on over 63,000 hectares of land.

Source: Anton Samoilenko, Deputy Chief of Kherson Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Details: He said farmers are preparing to sow winter crops. The target sowing area is estimated at 63,300 hectares.


The authorities also noted that local farmers received 80 modern harvesters and 10 tractors from the international charity Harvest Victory; the equipment now operates in the fields cleared of mines.

Samoilenko stressed that farmers harvested 58,000 tonnes of grain, 4,400 tonnes of rapeseed, and 825 tonnes of Kherson watermelons.

The explosive specialists have inspected a total of 86,426.9 hectares of territory in the Ukrainian-liberated Kherson Oblast, including 72,799.9 hectares of agricultural land. They revealed and destroyed over 96,500 explosive devices.

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