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Russians bombard Odesa with drones, wounding 2 people

Wednesday, 24 January 2024, 21:42
Russians bombard Odesa with drones, wounding 2 people
A shahed kamikaze drone. Stock photo: Getty Images

The Russians launched attack drones at Odesa on the evening of 24 January, hitting residential areas of the city and injuring a man.

Source: Oleh Kiper, Head of Odesa Oblast Military Administration 

Quote: "Russian terrorists bombarded Odesa with attack drones. There is damage to civilian residential infrastructure. 


Fires were recorded. We know about one casualty so far. An Odesa resident suffered burns. Doctors are providing all necessary assistance."

Updated: Kiper clarified that the number of injured has increased to two. A man was hospitalised with multiple cuts. There is no threat to his life.

Background: The Air Force reported that UAVs were flying from the Black Sea towards Odesa. The Defence Forces of Ukraine’s South reported that air defence systems were responding in Odesa Oblast.

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