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Ukraine completes transition to European electricity trading rules

Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 17:55
Ukraine completes transition to European electricity trading rules
Stock photo: Getty Images

Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s national energy company, has conducted the first monthly joint auctions for access to cross-border interconnections with Moldova. Thus, Ukraine has completed its transition to European electricity trading rules.

Source: Ukrenergo’s press service

Quote: "Ukraine has completed its transition to European electricity trading rules. Ukrenergo hosted joint auctions for access to cross-border interconnections with Moldova. For the first time, the right to provide electricity for a whole month was auctioned," the report said.


The distributed capacity for Ukraine-Moldova (UA-MD) was 463 MW. Moldova-Ukraine (MD-UA) was 96 megawatts.

All available capacity in each direction was divided among four participants. The total number of participants in the UA-MD direction was eight, while the MD-UA direction had nine participants.

Daily auctions with Moldova are scheduled for Thursday, 29 February, with delivery planned for 1 March. The time and volume of the determined capacity will be announced the day before.


Ukraine has already begun joint daily auctions with its European neighbours, beginning on 2 November with Romania, 16 January with Poland, and 22 February with Hungary. The first joint auction with Slovakia is set for 4 March.


The European energy association ENTSO-E decided on 1 March to increase the maximum limit on Ukrainian electricity exports to EU countries to 550 MW per hour.

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