A Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions. Kristin Milward: "I Want to Go Home"

In the second episode of a Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions podcast, star Kristin Milward reads Oksana Savchenko's powerful monologue, I Want to Go Home.
This emotionally charged piece portrays a woman living through the war, reflecting on how it alters people's lives, perspectives, and dreams. The author contrasts memories of past happiness and freedom with the harsh realities of the present. Although the protagonist is safe abroad, her thoughts continually return to her beloved Kyiv, where her heart and loved ones remain.
Following the reading, podcast host John Freedman, a writer and translator, speaks with Kristin Milward about her impressions of visiting Ukraine during the war. Kristin shares her experiences and highlights the importance of supporting Ukrainian culture in the face of Russian military aggression.
Also in "A Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions":
A Dictionary Of Ukrainian Emotions
The podcast "The Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions" offers a captivating nine-episode series featuring plays by Ukrainian playwrights from the Theatre of Playwrights. Hosted by the translator and creator of the play series "A Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War" John Freedman, each episode presents not only the performances of these powerful short plays, but also insightful conversations with the playwrights and world renowned American and European actors who bring them to life.