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Mykolaiv Oblast

8 Russian Shahed-136 drones shot down in southern Ukraine early on 11 October

Airmen shot down a Russian plane and a kamikaze drone

Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners shoot down kamikaze drone using machine gun

Three Shahed drones shot down in Odesa and Mykolaiv oblasts

3 Russian drones shot down in Mykolaiv Oblast this morning

7 out of 9 destroyed kamikaze drones "hunted" in Mykolaiv Oblast

Kamikaze drones attack Odesa and Mykolaiv oblasts, 6 UAVs shot down

Security forces expose attempt at sham referendum in Mykolaiv Oblast

Ukrainian Armed Forces bring down 5 out of 7 Iranian-made suicide drones attacking Mykolaiv Oblast

Overnight attack on Mykolaiv: museum and educational establishment damaged

Ukrainian Armed Forces shoot down Iranian-made drones attacking Mykolaiv Oblast

Russian forces hit city of Ochakiv and use MLRS to fire rockets on central Mykolaiv

Attack on Mykolaiv Oblast: occupiers hit city’s industrial zone and village of Khrystoforivka

People in occupied Snihurivka hold protest against sham referendum

Head of Mykolaiv Oblast Administration shows off armoured car he bought from invaders

Defenders of Ukraine’s South shoot down Russian Su-25 and Iranian kamikaze drone

Russians hit Mykolaiv Oblast – a man killed

Kyselivka is not liberated yet – Kim 

Russian forces shell Mykolaiv and Ochakiv overnight, launch missiles on Chornomorka

Russia-sponsored "HIMARS hunters" detained in Mykolaiv Oblast — SSU

Invaders shelled Voznesensk: at least two wounded

Persons who passed data on Ukraine's army and strategic objects to Russians identified – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Since beginning of full-scale war only 27 days in which Mykolaiv suffered no attacks – Head of Oblast Military Administration

Ukrainian air defence brings down 2 Russian missiles over Mykolaiv Oblast

Russians hit grain elevator in Mykolaiv Oblast, destroying thousands of tons of grain

Explosions shake Mykolaiv Oblast

Up to 10% of locals ready to participate in staged referendum in Snihurivka – Head of Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration

Head of Mykolaiv Oblast called on volunteers to help the military: Soon Kherson Oblast will be restored to Ukraine

10,000 civilian facilities destroyed by Russian military in Mykolaiv Oblast

Russian overnight attack targets Mykolaiv business, fire breaks out in cafe