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Mykolaiv Oblast

Mykolaiv Oblast: Russian soldiers wearing Ukrainian military uniforms attempt to capture Ukrainian observation post

The occupiers shelled the Mykolaiv region: 15 wounded

Shelling of the Mykolaiv region: nine people were wounded, all of them are in hospital

In the south, the invaders are not actively advancing, the exit from the Kherson region is blocked

Ukrainian air defence system shot down 4 Russian cruise missiles over Lviv and Mykolayiv oblasts

No Russian attacks in Kherson and Mykolaiv Regions – Operational Command ‘Pivden’ (‘South’)

Head of Regional Council: 15 people injured in Mykolaiv Oblast in 24 hours

Pivden [South] Operational Command: Russia has left on patrol 2 ships, the rest are in Crimea

Shelling of Mykolaiv continuing day and night

Shelling of Mykolaiv Region: 9 people were wounded

Russians kill resident of Mykolaiv Region on 9 May

Region reports: Russian missiles strike Mykolaiv, troops occupy government buildings in Kherson Region

Russian missile shot down over Mykolaiv region

Occupiers attack Mykolaiv multiple times

Mykolaiv Region: 5 civilians wounded on Thursday, 5 May

Update from the Regions: missile strikes on Ochakiv, Lozova and Kramatorsk, shelling along the entire front line

Russians wounded several people and caused a lot of damage in one night in Mykolaiv region - Kim

Victims of the Russian Federation: one girl wounded in Mykolaiv Region, another found dead in Kyiv region

Head of Mykolaiv region on Russian missile strikes: “They’ll start throwing balalaikas at us soon”

Russians shell a hospital in Mykolayiv region

Russians are preparing “pseudo-referendums” in the south of Ukraine: the ballots are printed - intelligence

Region by region update: strikes on the Dnipropetrovsk and Mykolaiv regions, explosions in the Kherson region

Mykolaiv region: Russians attack Ukrainian positions, disguised as evacuated civilians

Russians fire 7 missiles in Mykolaiv region, no casualties reported

The Head of Mykolaiv Region doesn't see intention of occupiers to seize Mykolaiv

Odesa Regional Administration: Missile attack on the city, no victims

General Staff: Russian troops successfully advanced in 2-3 towns

Mykolayiv region: 1 killed in missile strike, 11 injured including teen

Mykolayiv Regional Administration missile strike: number of victims reaches 36

Mykolaiv region: 41 people injured on Friday