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Orbán tries to justify not calling Russian aggression "war" at meeting with Putin

Putin's "election" headquarters headed by actor who called for destruction of Ukraine

Putin directs enlistment offices to include Russians in military register in absentia

White House on differences between war victims in Ukraine and Gaza

It is important that Putin loses – UK Foreign Secretary

Putin claims West tried to divide Russia into five parts

Putin wants to use AI in war and send lasers and robots to battlefield

Putin claims he will continue his assault on Ukraine

Putin's statements about unwillingness to fight NATO are similar to those made before invasion of Ukraine − ISW

Putin's party backs him in elections, he mentions "colour revolutions"

Russia seeks to legitimise its invasion of Ukraine with "elections" in occupied territories – UK Intelligence

Putin to run as an independent candidate, but his party vows to help

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence corrects Putin on number of Russian troops in Ukraine

ISW analyses Putin's statement about Russia's goals in war against Ukraine

Putin claims 600,000 of his troops are deployed on Ukraine's territory

Putin asked about how war will end, Russia's next president and food prices – photo

The war will end when we achieve our goals – Putin

No need for second wave of mobilisation, Putin says

If Hungary blocks EU decision, it will mean Putin vetoed it – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy in the US: If anyone is inspired by unresolved issues, it's Putin

Ukraine's former president: Putin's obsession with Ukraine could be mental disorder

Israeli PM leaves government meeting to talk to Putin

Germany's Social Democrats say their previous policy on Russia was a mistake

Putin announces he will run for fifth presidential term

Not a "corpse from a refrigerator", but very tired: media report on state of Putin's health

Navalny's foundation launches Russia Without Putin campaign ahead of elections

Russia to hold presidential elections on 17 March

Zelenskyy: Putin wants to calm Russians down before re-election so he can increase pressure on front

Putin arrives in Saudi Arabia after visiting UAE

Putin arrives in UAE with fighter jets escort