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Macron acknowledged restrictions on supply of certain weapons to Ukraine

Macron: Ukraine should decide itself on what conditions to build peace

Germany is on Ukraine’s side: it has taken in 800,000 refugees and will provide weapons - Scholz

Results of Zelenskyy's meeting with European leaders

Ukrainian police foil terrorist attack on Ukrainian leaders

The Office of the President of Ukraine responds to Medvedev: Ukraine was, is and will be

Ukraine may not even exist in two years’ time – Medvedev

Air-raid alert announced for whole of Ukraine

Russia keeps people in civilisational blockade: Zelenskyy urges Ukrainians to communicate with those who are under occupation

General Staff show how Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Forces are trained

War Speeches: russia Attempts to Discredit Ukraine to Disrupt the Supply of Western Weapons

Podoliak voiced Ukraine's needs for weapons "parity" with Russia

Belarus reinforces its electronic warfare equipment near Ukrainian border

Ukraine to receive modern IRIS-T air defence system from Germany in October – ambassador

Russians intent on repeat of Holodomor - head of President’s Office

Russia’s losses to date: Over 32,000 military personnel

Russia keeps 40 cruise missiles in the Black Sea - Pivden [South] Operational Command

Russia has caused $11.5 billion worth of losses to Ukrainian business

Ukraine’s Minister of Defence set out Ukraine's new weapons goals, including aircraft and air defence

The situation in regions: a missile strike on Zhytomyr Region, numerous instances of shelling in Donbas

Death Basement in Yahidne: 9 Russian executioners have already been identified - Office of Prosecutor General

Exchange of bodies between Ukraine and Russia: 50 deceased heroes have been returned

"Continent of freedom" for foreigners and "Soviet Union 2.0" for their own – the Kremlin is working on Russia’s post-war image

We Know the Truth About the War in Ukraine Because of Journalists

Ukraine can “only hope for a miracle” at the NATO summit in Madrid

Ukraine has sown 75% of land planted last year. Prime Minister Shmyhal lists challenges ahead of the harvest

Aksonov says land route from Russia to Crimea is not yet available for civilians

Russia reports it has opened a land corridor with occupied Crimea

Russia has admitted sending conscripts to war with Ukraine

War Speeches: Ukraine Hopes for Increased Pressure of Sanctions, Russia Believes in Destabilization of Democracies