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Ukraine can “only hope for a miracle” at the NATO summit in Madrid

Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 14:12
Ukraine can “only hope for a miracle” at the NATO summit in Madrid

"European Pravda" – WEDNESDAY, 8 JUNE 2022, 14:12 p.m.

Dmytro Kuleba.Photo by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dmytro Kuleba, the Minister of Fogeign Affairs of Ukraine, admitted that he doesn’t expect any decisions beneficial for Ukraine at the NATO Summit that is set to take place in Madrid on 28-30th June.


According to a "European Pravda" correspondent, Kuleba claimed this on Wednesday at the press-conference.

The minister emphasised that he deems Ukraine’s current criticism of NATO correct.

"I was criticised for saying that NATO as an organisation did nothing for Ukraine after 23 February, 2022. Then I asked them to show me what the Alliance did. Turned out there are no such decisions", – explained Kuleba.


Based on this, he added that doesn’t expect any progressive decisions at the NATO Summit either.

"I don’t have big expectations for the NATO Summit in Madrid. My realistic expectation for the NATO Summit is that only a miracle can take place there", – he added. He then stated one more time that he will be glad to be wrong if he witnesses breakthrough decisions in support of Ukraine but he will still consider it "a miracle."

"Undoubtedly, we will hear the words of support, the words of solidarity but so far I don’t see any signs of powerful decisions concerning Ukraine being prepared by the Alliance, even decisions concerning the Black Sea safety", – the Minister explained.

This isn’t the first time that Kuleba criticised NATO for insufficient action.

Reportedly, Georgia will be invited to the NATO Summit. Ukraine is invited as well but the level of its presence is under doubt due to logistical issues.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian government hints at Ukraine’s movements towards NATO membership despite Russia’s threats to Finland and Sweden.
