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Ukraine to be cleared of mines by 80 bomb disposal units

Russians injure 5 children in Ukraine in 2 days

Russia claims it will not exchange Ukrainian PoWs

Buryatia soldiers’ wives appeal for the return of their husbands from Ukraine: they are morally and physically exhausted

16 Ukrainian soldiers and one civilian have been freed from captivity

The Kremlin claimed it is possible to end the war by the end of today and suggests capitulation

"Victory is not far off! Victory is ours!": Zelenskyy congratulates Ukrainians on Constitution Day

Around 80 foreign vessels are blocked in Ukrainian ports

35,000 Russian troops have already lost their lives at the hands of Ukrainian defenders - General Staff

Russia resumes Iskander missile attacks on Ukraine from Belarus – Air Force

Occupiers have now killed 339 children in Ukraine

Ukrainian defenders destroy one Russian Su-25 attack aircraft, 8 armoured combat vehicles and an ammunition depot

State Emergency Service of Ukraine has disarmed a total of 45,000 explosive devices in Ukraine, including 2,000 aerial bombs

The Kremlin reacts to Ukraine’s EU candidate member status: “The main thing is that it shouldn’t create problems for Russia”

Zelenskyy: Obtaining EU membership candidate status is like a betrothal

Russian losses reach 34,530 personnel - General Staff

Zelenskyy on Ukraine's EU membership bid: one of the most important decisions in 30 years

Ukraine to buy 10 IRIS-T air defence systems from Germany

Air-raid alert declared across Ukraine

Ukraine plans to meet the EU's requirements by the end of the year - Stefanishyna

Belarus has stationed wooden dummy tanks on the border with Ukraine - Ministry of Defence

Number of Russian soldiers killed reaches 34,230 – Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff

324 children killed by Russian aggression in Ukraine so far

German self-propelled howitzers already deployed at the front – Reznikov

Database of Russian executioners of Ukrainians created

Lukashenko claims that the West is trying to drag Belarus into the war with Ukraine

Peskov on decision to grant Ukraine EU Membership Candidate status: requires increased attention

Ukraine implements visa regime with Russia – Zelenskyy

All Russia's proposals for negotiations are an attempt at appeasement before stabbing us in the back – an adviser to the head of the President's Office

Macron and Scholz: France and Germany will not ask Ukraine to make concessions