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Olha Hlushchenko

news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"
All Publications of this Author

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy 17 units of Russian equipment and an ammunition depot in Donbas

On the territory of the Kharkiv region, the Russian army is deploying anti-aircraft missile divisions – report from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian military ships moved almost 200 km away from the Ukrainian coast – Regional Command "South"

South: Armed Forces of Ukraine killed 28 aggressors and destroyed 5 units of their military equipment

Shelling in Luhansk region: 4 high-rise buildings caught fire in Severodonetsk

General Staff: Russia prepares for Mariupol naval landing

Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbas destroyed more than 50 units of invaders’ equipment and shot down 2 cruise missiles

General Staff report: Russian occupying forces attempt to seize Popasna and Rubizhne without success

Exchange of prisoners of war carried out in the Kherson region - Operational Command "Pivden" (South)

Sunken cruiser Moskva could have nuclear warheads on board - expert

85% of the bodies of people murdered in Bucha have bullet holes - Mayor

Head of Regional Military Administration reports on number of civilian casualties in Donetsk region in past 24 hours

Zelenskyy: On the first day of the war I was "advised to actually surrender to tyranny"

Russian troops shell another train station: 17 routes affected

General Staff: Russia prepares to increase inflow of troops into Ukraine

“The world must respond now” - Zelenskyy on the use of poison in Mariupol

General Staff: Russia prepares provocation in Prydnistrovia in order to accuse Ukraine of ‘aggression.’

Kyiv Military Administration: 11,000 ammunition units neutralised in Kyiv region last week
