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MP Hryniv says Kotsiubynske Case is Yet More Judicial Overreach

Tuesday, 5 July 2016, 10:37

Ihor Hryniv, Leader of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary faction, has expressed disapproval of the Supreme Court of Ukraine’s decision to cancel the Parliamentary resolution to dissolve the village council in Kotsiubynske and hold elections there. Speaking in the Parliament, he described this as an example of how the judiciary resists reforms in Ukraine.

"We took strategic decisions for national development. Judiciary-related amendments to the Constitution and the new law on judicial system will become a filter to secure that only decent judges are employed in the judiciary," Hryniv said.

"However, the judicial system resists. Yesterday’s example when the Supreme Court canceled a Parliamentary resolution on elections in Kotsiubynske is a manifestation of real resistance," he stressed.


In fact, we got another legislative authority. If it carries on like this, it might happen that the Supreme Court will cancel the Parliamentary resolution on revocation of ex-President Yanukovych," he went on.

He also called to hurry up the adoption of laws that will create an environment conducive to stabilization of the economic situation and launching economic reforms.

Source: Olena Roshchenko, Ukrayinska Pravda
