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Zelenskyy does not accept ultimatums, only fully fledged negotiations – Presidential Office of Ukraine

Saturday, 26 February 2022, 15:33
Zelenskyy does not accept ultimatums, only fully fledged negotiations – Presidential Office of Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelensky categorically does not accept ultimatums, and is ready to accept only fully fledged negotiations.

Source : Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office Mykhailo Podoliak in a comment to Interfax-Ukraine on Saturday.

Ad verbatim: "The reality the whole world saw on Thursday night refutes the lie of Russians that their forces were ordered to stop. And this morning. The fighting was fierce, at maximum intensity.


Precisely for that reason President Zelensky categorically refuses from accepting any unacceptable conditions and ultimatums for Ukraine. Only fully fledged negotiations. "

Details : He noted that any war inevitably ends in negotiations. According to him, Ukraine heard the negotiating position outlined in Moscow.

"They know our view on the negotiating format and our position. Therefore, their comments that we have allegedly abandoned the talks are just a part of their tactics. They are trying to bring the negotiations to a standstill before they begin," Podoliak said.

According to him, the talks should be based on common sense and give a possibility for the fair solution to be worked out in favor of the people and national statehood of Ukraine.

"By their resistance, Ukrainians have proved that driving us into a dead end is an unrealistic ambition," Podoliak pointed out.

Background: The Kremlin said on Saturday that on Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered a halt to Ukraine's offensive while waiting for negotiations, but Kyiv refused and the invaders continued to advance.

Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, stated on Saturday morning that Ukraine would dictate its position in talks with Russia.
