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Most of the detained infiltrators are citizens of Ukraine - Monastyrsky

Friday, 18 March 2022, 20:45
Most of the detained infiltrators are citizens of Ukraine - Monastyrsky

Denys Karlovskyy - Friday, 18 March 2022, 21:45

Most of the detained infiltrators recruited by Russia turned out to be citizens of Ukraine.

Source: Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Denys Monastyrskyy during the telethon


Denys Monastyrskyy, Verbatim: 

"Most of them are citizens of Ukraine who received residence and citizenship certificates arriving from other countries or leaving the previously occupied territories. There are also people who lived here and then somehow crossed the border with Russia, who had been recruited and performed certain tasks after that."

Details: The Minister called on citizens to pay attention to the unusual behaviour of people on the streets and their neighbourhoods. He stressed that it is necessary to watch out for strangers who have weapons, but do not belong to the Armed Forces or the Defence Forces of Ukraine. He also advised to pay attention to the sudden return of some neighbours from abroad.


According to Monastyrsky, special attention should be paid to the areas around military facilities and airports.

If you find suspects, call 102 or the Security Hotline. Police will investigate whether a person in question is an infiltrator working for the aggressor.
