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Ukrainian forces launch counterattack against Russian forces near Kharkiv

Friday, 4 March 2022, 21:32
Ukrainian forces launch counterattack against Russian forces near Kharkiv

Denys Karlovskyy - Friday, 4 March 2022, 22:32

Kharkiv Military Administration claims that Ukrainian military forces have launched a counterattack against Russian invaders in the region.

Source: Head of the Kharkiv Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov in a comment on national television


Quote: "They [the Ukrainian Armed Forces] withstood the aggressors' attack, and now not only are they repelling the invader, but they have also launched a counterattack. For example. they have pushed the enemy line in the Sumy direction away from Kharkiv, fully restoring the state border…

The enemy has realised that it has lost almost all of its offensive resources. Its massive armoured vehicles are no longer moving forward. They are just probing: 4 or 5 tanks showed up and Ukrainian Armed forces destroyed them– they fled. There was a report 10 minutes ago: our forces destroyed three enemy tanks, the fourth was simply abandoned, and was handed to the Armed Forces as a trophy."

Details: According to Syniehubov, the Russian forces are resorting to missiles and air strikes on civilian infrastructure due to their inability to prevail over the Armed Forces.


The Head of the Kharkiv Military Administration informed that there are problems with water, heat and electricity supply in some areas of the city, though, overall, the city’s residential buildings are supplied. However, he explained that in cases where residential buildings have been at the epicentre of an explosion, there is no reason to stay and attempt to restore the water or electricity supply.

The official informed viewers that three logistics centres had been set up in Kharkiv to supply medicines and food, and that together with volunteers and administration employees food is being distributed to all residents. However, he noted that it is difficult to deliver food and medicine to the outskirts of the city– in particular to the Kharkiv Tractor Plant and Pivnichna Saltivka districts.

Previously: Mayor Ihor Terekhov claimed that the local government has no plan to surrender Kharkiv. Shortly before this statement, a wave of fakes began to spread on social networks which claimed that Terekhov had been given 72 hours to prepare for capitulation to the Russian forces.

According to the mayor, the situation in the city is difficult, and city authorities were trying to organise "humanitarian corridors" to provide critical supplies of medicines and food.
