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Threat of a landing attack looms on the Black Sea coast

Thursday, 5 May 2022, 21:16
Threat of a landing attack looms on the Black Sea coast

Kateryna Tyshchenko - Thursday, 5 May 2022, 21:16

The threat of a landing attack on the north-western part of the Black Sea persists. Russians are conducting reconnaissance with drones, including strike drones.

Source: Pivden ("South") Task Force, on Facebook


Quote: "The enemy continues to maintain tensions in the northwestern part of the Black Sea with the presence of its navy, the threat of a landing attack, reconnaissance with UAVs, including strike ones."

The Defence forces perform their assigned tasks and effectively counter the enemy.

The sounds of explosions and shots heard by residents of coastal areas may accompany these events."


Details: The Pivden Task Force asks residents to abstain from visiting beaches and other restricted areas, from going out on the water in vessels, and from interfering with military action.

It is also requested that local residents inform the relevant authorities about suspicious activity in the coastal zone and to avoid disclosing information about the defence forces’ activities.


Ukrainian military has eliminated a number of Russian ships during the war.

Thus, on March 24, "Orsk", a large landing ship from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, was destroyed in the Russia-occupied port of Berdiansk. The fire has spread to other ships, fuel and ammunition.

On the evening of 13 April, it was reported that  Ukrainian "Neptune" anti-ship missiles had hit the missile cruiser Moskva of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. After that, the cruiser with 16 cruise missiles was forced out of action and sunk.

On May 2, Ukrainian armed forces destroyed two Russian boats near Zmiinyi (Snake) Island.
