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We don't see any threats to Ukraine from Transnistria - Moldova President

Monday, 27 June 2022, 20:22

MONDAY, 27 JUNE, 2022, 19: 03

The Moldova government is doing everything possible to prevent unrecognised Transnistria from threatening Ukraine.

This was stated by Moldovan President Maia Sandu at a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, writes "European pravda"


"We are closely monitoring all events in Transnistria and do not see any threats. We are doing everything we can to prevent this separatist region from posing a threat to Ukraine and Moldova. Ukraine and Moldova should maintain a regular dialogue on security issues that affect our states. We agreed to work together to maintain stability and avoid provocations aimed at destabilising the situation," Sandu said.

She stressed that if something appears that causes concern, Moldova will take measures and inform its partners.

Zelenskyy said that Ukraine will respond to attempts to strike from the territory of unrecognised Transnistria.

At the same time, the head of state stressed that "everything must be done to avoid destabilisation in Transnistria."
