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Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ukraine will release prisoners of war after the war, except for criminals

Monday, 6 June 2022, 18:26

Ukrainska Pravda — MONDAY, 6 JUNE 2022, 18:26

After the end of hostilities, Ukraine will be ready to release and repatriate Russian prisoners of war, but reserves the right to detain Russian war criminals.

Source: Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine


Quote: "The Ukrainian side is prepared, as required by international agreements, to release and repatriate Russian prisoners of war after the end of hostilities, if they so desire.

At the same time, Ukraine reserves the right to detain and prosecute servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces and other military units operating in our territory for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.

At the same time, we emphasise that Russian soldiers were and remain aggressors, invaders and occupiers on the Ukrainian territory, and the Russian army as a whole is a systemic violator of the laws and customs of war. "

Details: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasised that Ukraine follows the humane treatment of prisoners of war and provides everything guaranteed to them by international law in full.

Ukraine constantly provides access to Russian prisoners of war to the representatives of international specialised organisations and institutions, including the International Committee of the Red Cross. In addition, a National Information Bureau has been set up in Ukraine to take care of prisoners, including their exchange.

On the other hand, Ukraine demands that Russia mirror the way Ukrainians treat Russian prisoners of war, including the involvement of specialised international institutions to monitor the conditions in which they are held in Russian-controlled territories.

For reference: During the full-scale Russian aggression, the Ukrainian state, as a party to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its Protocols, strictly follows the principles of conducting hostilities, including international humanitarian law, which includes appropriate rules for the treatment of prisoners of war.

Background: The first deputy minister of internal affairs Yevhenii Yenin said earlier that the captured Russian military will work on restoring the economy of Ukraine.
