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Bodies of deceased Mariupol residents to be "buried" with debris

Thursday, 9 June 2022, 12:34


The occupiers have refused to clear away the rubble of destroyed houses where the bodies of deceased Mariupol residents likely remain.

It has been decided to demolish the buildings immediately and throw the debris away, reports Petro Andriushchenko, advisor to the mayor of Mariupol.


"We’ll never know how many people of Mariupol died and are still under that debris. They will be buried together with the rubbish at the Livoberezhnyi [Left Bank] landfill," he stated.

The mayor’s advisor added that the houses in the Livoberezhnyi district were left in ruins after being shelled by Russian Grad multiple rocket launchers.

Residential areas on Moskovska and Volodymyrska Streets suffered the most intense destruction by the occupiers in late February and early March.

Because of this, the people who lived there did not have a chance to leave their homes safely and evacuate or move to the city centre.
