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In the Kherson region, the occupiers are looking for places of deployment closer to the population – the regional council

Sunday, 17 July 2022, 16:55
In the Kherson region, the occupiers are looking for places of deployment closer to the population – the regional council


In the Kherson region, the occupiers have begun choosing places of deployment where there is a larger local population, which can be explained by the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region.

Source: Yurii Sobolevskyi, the first deputy head of the Kherson Regional Council, on Telegram


Quote from Sobolevskyi: "The latest successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region, especially the series of destroyed military depots, concentrations of personnel, headquarters and centres for the stock-piling and repair of equipment, have forced the ‘orcs’ [Russian soldiers] to change their location. The ‘orcs’ are ‘voluntarily’ leaving some of the previously captured premises, including educational institutions, moving to safer – in their opinion – places."

Details: According to Sobolevskyi, the main security criterion for the occupiers is the largest possible number of local residents.

He added that the occupiers are leaving the premises in a completely unusable condition – they are robbed, broken and looted.


Previously: On 14 July, Oleksii Hromov, the deputy chief of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reported that thanks to the impressive work of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian army has been forced to move their depots of ammunition and fuel.

Hromov assumed that, most likely, the Russians will move their depots into civilian infrastructure facilities.
