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Russian forces attack Luhansk region on 4 fronts – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration

Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 08:28
Russian forces attack Luhansk region on 4 fronts – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration


Russian occupying forces continue to fire on the small part of Luhansk Oblast that remains under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Russians attempted to advance on four fronts, but the Ukrainian forces repelled most of their attacks.

Source: Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram


Quote from Haidai: "Over the course of the day [18 July - ed.], the Russians were attempting to conduct assault operations on four fronts at once. They attacked Verkhnokamianske from the direction of the oil refinery and from the direction of Zolotarivka. They also wanted to advance towards Donetsk Oblast from Zolotarivka. They attempted to improve their positions near Bilohorivka. In many areas, [the Ukrainian Armed Forces] managed to halt their advance; fighting is continuing in some areas. The enemy also conducted an airstrike on Verkhnokamianske."

Details: Haidai said that on 18 July Russian occupying forces continued to fire and launch missiles on the part of Luhansk Oblast that is still controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces using aircraft and artillery.

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Russian forces conducted four missile strikes and two airstrikes on the towns and villages on the border between Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. They opened artillery fire on civilian houses 11 times.

At the same time, Haidai noted that "even the world’s second greatest army has limited (in)human resources": Russia has even begun to mobilise prisoners on criminal charges in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
