Fire started in Mariupol, but occupiers do nothing to put it out – advisor to mayor

Thursday, 25 August 2022, 15:48


Advisor to the mayor of Mariupol published a video of a fire in the city and reported that the occupying administrations did nothing to put it out.

Source: Petro Andriushchenko, Advisor to the mayor of Mariupol, on Telegram

Quote: "Right now, a fire in the Livoberezhnyi district of Mariupol keeps spreading. It engulfed the residential houses.

The fire became heavy due to the inaction of the collaborators. The Emergency Service of the so-called "Donetsk People’s Republic" does nothing to put out the fire! They are demonstrating complete indifference towards locals. Meanwhile the area of the fire keeps increasing.

The apartments that haven’t been destroyed before are being ruined now. And not because of the Russian attacks but due to the negligence of the "Russian world". 

Details: The Mariupol City Hall reports that the city is in smoke due to the collaborators’ negligence.

The fire is spreading because the fires at the Satelit (Satellite) plant [Oil plant, where occupiers placed equipment, but guerrillas set fire to it - ed.] and in the Skhidnyi (Eastern) district haven’t been put out on time.

Ashes are flying around. Apart from that, a strong storm wind makes the situation worse as it brings ashes into houses with no windows, thus creating new sources of ignition.

Background: Mariupol has been under the Russian siege since 1 March.

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