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In response to the deportation of Ukrainians, Zelenskyy told the director of the International Organization for Migration that Russia needs to be pressured

Monday, 12 September 2022, 20:40
In response to the deportation of Ukrainians, Zelenskyy told the director of the International Organization for Migration that Russia needs to be pressured


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed the illegal mass deportation of Ukrainians to Russia organised by the occupiers during a meeting with the director general of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Antonio Vitorino.

Source: Press service of the Presidentʼs office


Quote: "A separate topic during the negotiations was the illegal mass deportation of Ukrainians to Russia, in particular women, children as well as our defenders, and the system of filtration camps organised by the occupiers."

Details: Zelenskyy stressed that deportation is a gross violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime.

He also called on the IOM director general to put maximum pressure on Russia to put an end to this crime. "We are in favour of the International Organisation for Migration having more access to deported Ukrainians, especially to those territories where there are so-called filtration camps," the President said.


Background: In July, Zelenskyy reported that the Russian invaders deported the Russian Federation to 2 million residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, including several hundred thousand children.

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