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Russia is preparing massive cyber attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure

Monday, 26 September 2022, 12:25
Russia is preparing massive cyber attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure


Russia plans to carry out massive cyberattacks on critical infrastructure facilities in Ukraine, in particular the energy industry, as well as increase the number of DDoS attacks on institutions in Poland and the Baltic states, according to Ukrainian Intelligence.

Source: press service of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine


Quote: "First of all, the [cyber] attack will be aimed at energy industry enterprises. This will allow the enemy to try to increase the effect of missile strikes on electricity supply facilities, primarily in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine."

Details: Ukrainian Intelligence reports that this way, the Russians will try to slow down the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian defenders. In particular, the experience of cyberattacks on Ukraine’s energy systems in 2015 and 2016 will be used when conducting operations. 

Russia also plans to increase the intensity of DDoS attacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine's closest allies, primarily Poland and the Baltic states.

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