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Businessmen of Luhansk region lose at least UAH 6 billion due to war – Oblast Military Administration

Friday, 9 September 2022, 14:18


The damage caused by Russia's military aggression to business in the Luhansk region is estimated at 6 billion hryvnias [approximately US$162 million] and this figure is constantly increasing.

This was announced by Serhii Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram.


Luhansk Oblast Military Administration continues to collect operational information regarding the damage caused to business entities in the region. Data from 450 information providers have already been processed.

"According to preliminary estimates, the total amount of damage caused as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation is currently 6.1 billion hryvnias [approximately US$162 million]," Haidai wrote.

The official explained that this sum represents only the assets of enterprises destroyed or damaged by Russia. Losses resulting from not being able to do business and earn money throughout the year of 2022 are not taken into account.

According to the head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, this amount will certainly increase, because the administration receives new information every day and checks the earlier ones, and assesses the damage.

The information summarised by the Military Administration is sent to the Ministry of Economy, and will also be taken into account when preparing an analytical report in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.


  • Ukraine wants to seek US$300 billion in reparations from Russia for damages caused by the full-scale invasion.
  • The total value of direct damage to the infrastructure of Ukraine as a result of the war started by Russia reached US$114.5 billion as of 5 September.
  • As of 10 August, the total amount of money needed to restore Ukraine's destroyed assets was a minimum of US$188 billion.

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