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UN General Assembly condemns Russia’s so-called referendums in occupied territories of Ukraine; Zelenskyy responds

Wednesday, 12 October 2022, 23:35
UN General Assembly condemns Russia’s so-called referendums in occupied territories of Ukraine; Zelenskyy responds


At the meeting on Wednesday, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the illegal referendums that Russia held in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts of Ukraine.

Source: European Pravda


Details: The resolution was supported by 143 out of 193 members of the UN General Assembly, five states (Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Nicaragua) voted against, the remaining 35 abstained from voting.

Thus, the overwhelming majority of the Organisation's members, which is even larger than those condemning the Russian invasion in Ukraine in March, condemned the illegal actions of the Russian Federation in the annexation of Ukrainian territories.

The document prepared by Albania, in addition to condemning the so-called referendums, contains a call to states, international organisations and specialised UN agencies not to recognise any changes in the status of those oblasts of Ukraine, as well as a demand that Russia cancel the annexation and withdraw all its troops from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.

It also contains a call to "support the de-escalation of the current situation and a peaceful resolution of the conflict through political dialogue, negotiations, mediation and other peaceful means", but on condition of observing the principles of sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Quote from Volodymyr Zelenskyy: "We are grateful to the 143 states that supported the historic resolution of the UN General Assembly "Territorial integrity of Ukraine: defending the principles of the UN Charter". The world had its say; the Russian attempt at annexation is worthless and will never be recognised by free nations. Ukraine will recover all its lands".


  • Russia strongly opposed the adoption of the resolution, and on 30 September, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it vetoed it. 
  • Moscow later tried unsuccessfully to have a closed-door vote on the resolution, arguing that the open vote was politicised.
  • The vote in the UN General Assembly was another defeat for Russia, which claims that its annexation of four Ukrainian oblasts complies with international law and the UN Charter.

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