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Kremlin conducts closed poll and finds Russians fundamentally tired of war

Tuesday, 22 November 2022, 15:46
Kremlin conducts closed poll and finds Russians fundamentally tired of war

In early November, the administration of the Russian president conducted a survey in several regions of Russia which showed that Russians were tired of the war and felt apathy.

Source: Latvia-based Russian media outlet Meduza, citing two sources close to the Kremlin that are familiar with the results of the study

Quote: "The focus groups clearly show that Russians ‘do not feel optimistic about their future and the future of the country’."


"This is not a withdrawal to the opposition or a complete rejection of the ‘special military operation’ [as the Russian authorities call their war against Ukraine – ed.]. This is indifference and apathy. Nothing inspires us [the Russians], nothing pulls us forward. Just leave us alone, stay away from us," one of the sources explained.

Details: The Kremlin seems to believe that Russians are "fundamentally tired of war" and this attitude does not depend on the dynamics of hostilities.

The sources also noted that Russians are increasingly asking themselves questions regarding the causes of the war.



  • In late August 2022, a survey showed that 76% of Russians supported the actions of the Russian army, which unleashed a bloody war in Ukraine, killed civilians, and occupied part of Ukraine’s territory.
  • On the other hand, a survey conducted in October showed that 86% of Ukrainians believe that the armed resistance against Russian aggression should continue, even if Russia keeps bombarding Ukrainian cities.

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