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Russia can stop gas transit at any time, but these risks are calculated

Thursday, 22 December 2022, 16:20

Ukraine has "for a long time" assumed that Russia can stop gas transit at any moment, so these risks have been calculated.

Source: Herman Halushchenko, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, in an interview to Forbes

Quote from Halushchenko: "This is another reason why we need imports during the heating season. In the event of a transit stop, we will need a certain amount of gas in the pipe so that there is sufficient pressure. This is a small volume, but it must be there."


"By the way, the Russians have recently increased transit volumes from 40 to 60 million cubic metres per day. Interesting behaviour. On the night of 24 February, that is, on the first day of the invasion, they doubled transit to almost the maximum level stipulated in the contract.

Then their logic was obvious: ‘Europeans, don't interfere. Here's your gas, and we'll deal with it ourselves’. We will see what Russia's further actions will be soon," the minister added.

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